Cherry, 18, she/her, Arkansas USA, newbie htmler..

i like cherries, video games, and making online friends...

My Internet Diary...

Date: 07/9/24

Mood: Hopeful...

My first entry...

Hello, I'm Cherry.

I decided to make myself a website today, using a template. I really like how it turned out, what do you think? Well... I suppose you can't answer me yet.. I haven't set up my inbox yet...

Sorry, I havent used the internet very much yet. I come from a household that didn't really want me online. From what I've seen I guess maybe they were just protecting me, Ha ha.

It took me quite a while to figure out HTML, it's very technical I think... I took a few classes in school, but only for a short while. CSS is very, very confusing... I figured it out eventually though, as you can see.

I never knew there were so many pictures of cherries on the internet... I don't get to eat them very much, really, but I truly love them. They're so sweet, and nice.. They're my favorite fruit, I think.

Anyway, that's my first entry. I think my entries will be in reverse, as in the first one will be at the top, and the newest one will be at the bottom.. It'll make it easier to look back, I think...

